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The Yumcha Mama

On the Suzuki Violin Method

Why We Adore The Suzuki Violin Method


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Bubby’s First Violin

For my Bubby’s first birthday, I bought her a gorgeous 1/16 sized violin in Singapore. Of course she was too young but I was hoping to kindle a little curiosity and eventually a love for the beautiful instrument. Oddly enough, her first classical music playgroup required a violin! I’ve written about that wonderful playgroup experience here

Sr Clotilde

When I was 11 years old I started taking violin classes with a beautiful teacher, Sr Clotilde who taught using the Suzuki Method. Not only was she a wonderful teacher, she was a very gracious and kind lady who never charged my mother for the classes. To this day I treasure my experience and am grateful to Sr Clotilde for giving me the opportunity to learn. I still have Sr Clotilde’s beautifully handwritten music book which my daughter is now using! And her lessons have helped me help my little girl now (though my daughter loves critiquing my playing so I think the tables have well and truly turned!).

What is the Suzuki Violin Method?

The Suzuki method dates back to the mid-20th century and was created by the famous Japanese violinist, Shinichi Suzuki. The method works in a similar manner to learning a new language, and is a great option for new students of all ages. It builds on the common principles of learning a language using the mother tongue method, such as listening, constant repetition, and encouragement. The Suzuki Violin method consists of ten books, which you’ll work through during your lessons. We found our wonderful teacher in Sydney through The Suzuki Association Australia directory, with my daughter starting private lessons in September 2020. James Speer is lovely young gentleman who has been playing since he was just two and a half years old (and yes, he studied Suzuki Method!). My daughter adores him and his beautiful rustic studio but was rather displeased when she discovered she could only have once weekly classes!

Why Suzuki Violin Is A Great Choice

There are so many reasons why I believe the Suzuki Violin method is an excellent choice for children and adults alike. Firstly, while we’ve opted to go for only private lessons due to the pandemic, most Suzuki teachers offer group classes in addition to the regular one on one classes. Your child can benefit from private instruction while having the opportunity to play in front of other students during group tuition. It is often said that Suzuki graduates perform well in public as they’ve had so much practice! 

The Suzuki method follows a very systematic approach, and parents are encouraged to be involved in your child’s lessons and during their at-home practice. It’s been a great way for the two of us to bond, and I love the time we spend together when she’s playing the violin. The Suzuki method encourages children to start learning at a young age, so it’s perfect for anyone with a child of age 3 or 4 who’s looking to start their musical journey. 

Parental Involvement Necessary When Choosing Suzuki Method

When choosing the Suzuki method, parents are encouraged to attend their children’s lessons and help them with their at-home practice sessions. By attending the lessons, you get a better understanding of what your child need to practice. Some parents even decide to take this one step further and take classes themselves! Eventually, your child will progress to the point that they can take control of their learning, and then you’ll be able to slowly take a step back from helping so much.

Encouraging Daily Practice And Listening

One key component of the Suzuki method is listening to recordings of the music they are trying to learn. I normally put on the CD in the mornings while we are having brekkie and also while my daughter is doing her Kumon or just playing. She practices every day (which is highly encouraged) and I sit with her for support and to guide her through the weekly exercises set by Mr Speer. We haven’t found this a challenge as Bubby loves spending time together and thankfully loves playing the violin. Since starting her lessons last year, she’s already performed in three concerts, two of which took place online (due to the pandemic) and another in a beautiful old church in Sydney’s Balmain. It’s been exciting for both of us to see her quick progression, and daily practice has played a massive part in this.

Red Desert Violin

Since my daughter started her lessons, she’s been begging me to get my own violin so we can play together. For adults who are particularly keen on helping their children, Red Desert Violin is a great option that also follows the Suzuki method. They offer an online course with the aim of completing the first Suzuki book in just seven months, and then you can continue from there onto the second book. With many of us still spending more time at home, this would be a great option that you can use to help your child with their lessons and learn a new skill yourself.

As you can see, the Suzuki Violin Method has been an excellent option for my daughter and she really has a splendid time with her teacher. I also look forward to the time we spend together while my daughter is playing, and it’s a lovely way for parents and children to bond. On top of that, I think it’s the perfect creative outlet for a young child, and I’ve been impressed by her dedication to her lessons and her growing love of beautiful music. Make sure you check out the Suzuki method and Red Desert Violin if either you or your child are looking to take up the violin this year.

If you have any questions about Suzuki Violin lessons or would like to leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you in my comments section below. 

Until next time,

Love, Mei-Ling x

Young girl learning violin in Sydney Australia using the Suzuki Violin Method

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